Two people sit in a large bathtub, heads on opposite sides.
They are sorta blissed out, each in their own way.
PERSON #1: Can you turn on the jets?
PERSON #2: Shhhhhhhhhhhh
PERSON #1: What?
PERSON #2: I'm thinking
PERSON #1: Can't you think with the jets on?
Person #2 shakes head.
Time passes.
The ceiling dissolves and above the bathtub swirl constellations and meteors and new galaxies only recently discovered and captured by Hubble photographers. The moon rises through the astral dust til it's perching above them where it begins
to pulse and hum.
Person #1 turns on the jets.
The ceiling quickly returns.
PERSON #2: Goddamn it!
PERSON #1: Can you pass the loofa?
Person #1 throws the loofa at Person #2.
PERSON #2: You always gotta do that kinda shit.
PERSON #1 (loofa-ing): Can you run the hot? Water's getting cold.
(Written 2/3/11, after Solo Training Session #4)
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