I sometimes feel completely baffled about how to live in a world that remains unrelentingly sexist, racist, classist, homophobic and xenophobic. Despite progress (and lip-service to progress) I feel like I run up against institutionalized inequalities every day. And I live in San Francisco! And I spend most of my time at a university! How do other people even manage?
I know I'm highly sensitive to the suffering caused by sex and gender prejudices; I always have been. And it feels like the more I learn about the world, the more sensitive I become to identity-based injustices.
I have taken many a course on how to see and analyze these injustices, but not a single one that teaches me how to deal with the difficulty of integrating this knowledge into my daily life. It's painful to walk through the world perceiving these half-visible hegemonic structures holding us all trapped in places we don't want to be. I need guidance on how to deal with the information I've gained.
If I were teaching a class called Feminist Methods, my syllabus would include these topics:
- Feminist methods for approaching the study of history without breaking down into tears when you realize that women are systematically left out of most of the juicy parts.
- Feminist methods for appreciating Western art even though 90% of the time women are stuck being the looked-at subject, not the creator.
- Feminist methods for dealing with street harassment from men, especially across cultural lines and in countries that are not your own.
- Feminist methods for thinking about and interacting with pornography in a way that celebrates sexuality, resists censorship and opposes exploitation.
- Feminist methods for getting over jealousy and competitiveness towards other women over who's prettier, sexier, smarter, more capable, more put together, etc...
- Feminist methods for not getting angry when people call you an angry feminist.
- Feminist methods for holding faith that a highly sensitive, responsive, emotional, intuitive, receptive, accepting mode of human interaction is just as valuable as an assertive, rational mode.
- Feminist methods for approaching the monumental task of motherhood with respect even though it's devalued and sentimentalized by Western culture, and usually entails sacrificing hard-won power and privileges in your professional life.
- Feminist methods for forgiving your father, since he's stuck in the system as much as you are.
- Feminist methods for not confusing your boyfriend/husband/lover/friend with the patriarchy just because he's grown up with subtle privileges of having a penis.
- Feminist methods for avoiding the psychic burnout of remaining a feminist.
If you know of any place that offers coursework like this, would you let me know? I could really use it.
And I'm sure there are topics missing from this hypothetical syllabus. What would you add?
Feminist methods for undoing transhopiba, sexism, racism, and homophobia in the workplace.
ReplyDeleteFeminist methods for how to educate clientele of the sex work industry.
Feminist methods for how to make sex work a feminist work environment.
Feminist methods for how to be a transgender husband and not adopt sexist ways of being a male partner.
Feminist methods for how to be a transgender father and not become the patriarch or "head of the household."
Feminist methods for how to be in a monogamous relationship.
Feminist methods for how to be in a poly relationship.
Feminist methods for how to mitigate the frustration of having a wife who defends patriarchy just because it's something she's familiar with.
Feminist methods for how to educate wives as to the glory and splendor of having a feminist husband - and how not to consider him weak.
Feminist methods for teaching men that it's ok to be fucked up the ass by their lovers (regardless of gender or sex).
Feminist methods for teaching transgender men that it's ok to be fucked up the ass by their lovers (regardless of gender or sex).
Feminist methods for how to mitigate wanting to kill the computer when it underlines 'transgender' every time it's typed because it's not in the computer's dictionary.
Feminist methods for navigating feminist classes that cause suicidal thoughts.
Feminist methods for dealing with feminists who don't like sex work because it's not "feminist."
Feminist methods for gender femme people who want to go to a dance club and not get hit on by every gender-masculine person in the room.
Feminist methods for how to manage the insult of men hitting on the wives of transgender men because it's assumed that all women would want bio cock (this is not so...my wife is proof).
Thanks Sid, those are great. Someday we'll co-teach this course... :)
ReplyDelete+ 1million!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleventyone
ReplyDeleteCan we expand the scope of Sid's "how to be a transgender husband and not adopt sexist ways of being a male partner" to include supporting all forms of gender role transgression without supporting the limited sexist patriarchal definition of masculinity?
I think we've fought over this in the past ... That probably means it requires greater focus and deeper exploration.
Martin, I'm all for that expansion.